Sunday, July 11, 2004

Inner Statistician

I first noticed this when I flew United over the holidays. I was munching on pretzels out of one of the foil snack packages they always give you with your drink when I was struck by a moment of confusion. I could have sworn I was eating a snack MIX. A quick scan of the packaging confirmed that I wasn't crazy:

So did I just miss the sesame sticks and cashews? I was eating them somewhat absentmindedly after all. Curiousity got the best of me, and I inventoried the contents of the subsequent package: 6 pretzels, 7 sesame crisps and 1/6 of one cashew. (Hey, so at least the crisps finally came out to represent.) So now several months later, we're flying to L.A. on United and we get the same little snack mixes. So what's the verdict?
14-1/2 pretzels, 3 sesame crisps and 1/2 a cashew. The SOOTTAD fared better with an even 7-7-7 split.

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