Saturday, August 14, 2004

clearing the haze

We were double-booked tonight -- two parties on a Friday night. Seeing friends that we just don't have much opportunity to see these days. I guess it's the plight of modern living: too much to do, not enough time.

I only have one drink at the first gathering, but it's on the strong side -- a Knob Creek manhattan, perfect, although a little warm, since I don't want to use up all the ice. We hang for a while and then move onto the next party. More friends that I wish I had more time for. I have only two beers, but it's enough to put me on the loopy-side of buzz. It's probably not so much, but I'm too lazy to stay focussed and I happily stumble around, doing my own buzzy version of silly walks. Nevertheless, it's a good thing that the SOOTTAD is driving. (on the way over, I'm thankful she's at the wheel when a moronic cyclist crosses our path against the light.)

Home again, home again, jiggidy jig. I'm craving savory (and really, I'm craving noodles, specifically) but I don't want to deal with Chinatown. ("Thank gawd," thinks the SOOTTAD) I settle on some Korean instant ramen; it's not the kind I'm used to, but it'll do. (the SOOTTAD picked up the most recent batch at Victory) How do I know it's Korean? The spice pack. (The "Seoul, Korea" in the fine print on the package is just the second form of ID) This one comes in it's own styrofoam bowl (which I'm not too keen on, environmentally speaking).

Just like the old cup o' noodles. But better.

Anyway, done, done and done. Don't forget that last part; it reminds me of an animated short we saw a few years ago that sort of went like this:
[a boy and girl sit opposite one another at a round table. They each have a cup o' noodles cup in front of them]
BOY: this cup o' noodles isn't so good.
GIRL: are you sure you followed the directions?
BOY: I folded the lid back half way. I filled it with boiling water to the line. I even closed the lid securely and waited 3 minutes. I removed the lid and stirred.
GIRL: see, you didn't follow the directions.
BOY: what do you mean?
GIRL: read it again: "Fold back lid half way... fill to inside line with boiling water... close lid securely and let stand 3 minutes... remove lid, stir... and ENJOY.
BOY: oh. [sips from cup] Ahhhhh.
I surf the web as I eat. The world (even the interweb) is still a swirling haze, but as I make my way through the noodles and savory/spicy broth, things start to come back into focus.


Yep. Spicy ramen. Just what I needed.


:: jozjozjoz :: said...

Do you want to know what sucks? I can't eat spicy foods anymore.

I want me some spicy ramen now, too.


tallasiandude said...

Joz, that does totally suck. Sorry to hear it.

I actually have a friend in L.A. who had a similar problem and found that it was related to stress. (ni ne?) FWIW, I think she was seeing a traditional eastern medicine person up in Santa Cruz for a while. She's since changed jobs.

Let me know if you want me to try and hook you up.