Thursday, August 26, 2004

starting from a picture...

I was reading this article on MSNBC about the Bush's response to the Swift Boat Veterans ads (the one in which he still didn't condemned them) and I thought the featured photograph (credited to AP photographer Pablo Martinez Monsivais) looked strangely familiar.

I think this is what immediately came to mind:

I suppose they're still trying to cultivate that tough guy image or something. Or perhaps, this is a subtle point being made by the photographer: are we trying to glamorize a group of people that are, fundamentally, just a bunch of criminals? I'm probably just reading too much into it. I tend to do that. Of course, I keep wondering, who has to be Mr. Pink?

Anyway, I've recently been sucked back into following the political goings-ons as things started looking more hopeful, but it's just been getting worse and worse and I think I'm going to have to bury my head again. But before I do that, I figured I'd just throw in my two cents. Even though I know it's just me screaming into a pillow, venting my frustration.

It's an appeal to John Kerry, although I know he'll never hear it. (And really, what do I know?) Anyway, my thought is this: I really wish that the next time the press brings up this whole stupid controversy, again (or he has to address it in a speech or at a rally), I wish he'd just tell them that these people are just a bunch of partisan liars and smear artists, and could we talk about something more important, like say, getting rid of the national debt, or fixing health care, or actually funding our educational mandates, or protecting civil liberties and personal freedoms, or stopping the rollback of environmental protections, or developing a real energy policy that doesn't just give handouts to energy companies, oh yeah, and how about cleaning up that whole Iraq mess that the current Administration has gotten us into, (and, uh, Afghanistan? ...and what about Iran? ...and North Korea? ...Sudan?), and on, and on, and on...


So, did you hear that they discovered a "Super Earth" just 50 light years away? 14 times the mass of the Earth and it completes an orbit of its sun in just 10 days. Yep, it's pretty cool... Yep, hiding now...

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