Friday, December 24, 2004

The Soundtrack

Running with music really is an entirely different experience. It does have all the drawbacks I've mentioned before, but with the right tunes, it can feel like your life has a soundtrack, like you're in a movie. And everything is focused on you. Because you're the star. And you're hitting your stride, and the music is hitting it with you. And everything's great, and you're connected to the world around you, just like it is on the big screen. And it's simply magical. It's this great, amazing feeling...

...except that it isn't real. It's artificial. Fake.

Sometimes the music is ALL THAT, but sometimes it will work against you and just throw everything out of whack. Yesterday, the tunes and all the rhythmic dissonance they were causing late in the run got me discombobulated enough that I managed to get a cramp.

On the long, gray and lonely days where I'm just dragging, I'll make do -- the tunes are a pretty good way to jump start my body when I'm dragging. (I've liked "Lester Left Town"" by the Bruknahm Project) But I much prefer it when you really are in tune with everything around you and you're making your own music.

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