Friday, March 11, 2005

The pitfalls of contentment

A few months ago, I wrote a post about appreciating the things that I had going for me.

The cynical me has always tried to keep expectations low, because when it comes right down to it, if things don't work out, at least you won't be disappointed. But I've been trying to ignore him, Mr. Negativity, of late. And thus I've attempted to venture forth into the new frontier, the new millennium as it were. The new and improved me -- confident, centered, hopeful, positive. (I mean, let's not be stupid: there's no sense in unnecessarily walking under anvils or driving behind piano movers. Living next door to bomb factories. But really, there's no need to expect the worst.)

So despite everything that had been going on at the time -- the upcoming presidential election, discontent at work, and just a general malaise -- I came to the conclusion that things were Ok. I might have been in a rut, but I really had nothing to complain about. I took a step back and said to myself, "Y'know, self? Life is good."

And six months later, Bush has been reelected, I've lost my job, and as of yesterday, my girlfriend, the SOOTTAD, has accepted a new job in Chicago and will be moving there in the next few weeks.


This immediately makes me think of two things:

  1. I really ought to get around to signing up for my COBRA benefits before the NEXT BAD THING happens.

  2. Maybe I shouldn't feel too accepting and content with what I've got now, lest something even more catastrophic happen to try and get me to readjust my perspective yet again.

I mean, it's not like the world has come to an end. We'll get through this. But I have to say -- I really don't like this game.

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