Monday, October 31, 2005


What a bunch of fuckers.

...Sen. Orrin Hatch -- who as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman prevented dozens of Clinton nominees from getting up-or-down votes -- was asked today whether the Republicans would invoke the nuclear option if the Democrats filibustered Alito's nomination. His response, according to CNN: "You bet your life we would."
So glad the Dems bent over on the Brown, Owen and Pryor nominations back in May to "save the filibuster." Not that this is a surprise or anything -- you could totally see it coming. It's just depressing. Learned helplessness, I guess.

[Note: this came from Salon, which means if you're not a member, you have to sit through a short ad to see it. Suck it up. 'Cause then you can read This Modern World, among other things.]

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