Thursday, October 20, 2005

Voter Fraud

Just followed this link from Monkeyboy, it's a video of computer expert's testimony of the likely use of vote-rigging software in the 2004 election.

Forget how you feel about Bush, if you value the freedom and equality that this country represents, it will make you depressed.

And the thing that's bothering me isn't so much that it happened... Well no, that's not quite right. It totally bothers me. It fucking pisses me off. But it doesn't surprise me.

But what is also really bothering me is that this isn't actually news. The testimony is from December 2004. What happened? Have they disproved his claims? Is there an investigation? What's going on?!

The most recent thing I can find online about "Clinton Curtis" is an article on voter fraud in June in the Washington Spectator. The stuff from The Brad Blog, while interesting, is all 10 months old.

I can't believe there isn't more follow-up on this. But, well... yes I can.

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