Thursday, December 01, 2005

I gots personality

A personality test found by missludmilla.

Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellect ||||||||||||||| 46%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Aggressiveness ||||||||| 26%
Liveliness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||| 46%
Social Assertiveness ||||||||| 22%
Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Paranoia ||||||||||||||||||||| 66%
Abstractness ||||||||||||||| 50%
Introversion |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Independence ||||||||||||||| 42%
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Tension |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Take Cattell 16 Factor Test (similar to 16pf)
personality tests by

Nothing really new here. I generally would like to think of myself as generally balanced, and you look at the things that scored at extremes:

High anxiety? Check. (Heh, High Anxiety.)
Low Aggressiveness? Low social assertiveness? Check, check.

The only thing that might be a surprise to some -- intellect, which is described as a scale between [instinctive, unstable] on the one hand, and [cerebral, analytical]. Then again, maybe it isn't such a surprise if you know me well enough.

1 comment:

Jeff Cutler said...

Should the totals all add up to 100% (ie 16 categories should total 800 pts/800%?).

Haven't tried it yet, but I'm wondering if my agressiveness and intellect are at when I spout off about stuff am I doing it intelligently?