Wednesday, November 09, 2005

AEM Day 8 - study guide

Originally uploaded by tallasiandude.

Yesterday's entry kind of drained me, so I figured I'd submit this for today -- something a little lighter in tone (it's about PEE!) and a demonstration that art FILTERS (a pun, a pun!) into everyday life.

Fitting (at least in my own twisted little mind, I suppose) for Art Everyday Month. :)

Yes, it's true. I clearly did not get enough sleep last night.


Anonymous said...

you're so goofy! :-) and yes, this is very appropriate considering the quiz AND how art is in everything. might skip tonite (class), too much to do, too little time.

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S how it works for a guy! ;)

Actually, I consider illustration in science books, especially biology and botany, to be beautiful stuff.