Tuesday, March 23, 2004

More signs of Spring, good and bad

Saw what looked to be a magnolia tree starting to bud out on my run during lunch today. And it was clear and sunny, too. (although not much above freezing) Some of the bulbs don't seem to be faring as well -- several that survived last week's snowstorm have been unceremoniously dug up, presumably by squirrels. I'd probably be less upset if they just ate them, rather than chewing them up, leaving them half-gnawed and strewn about the disheveled earth.

We had the same problem with the raspberries last year, although thankfully, they didn't take too many. But every few days, you'd find one perfectly good raspberry lying on the ground, or sitting on the fence (so you know it didn't just fall there), with maybe a little piece taken out of it. Maybe we're just lucky and we have squirrels that don't like fresh fruit.

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