Tuesday, April 13, 2004


At some point, it just becomes too much.

I was reading about "Free-Speech Zones," which I thought was a joke but clearly just wasn't paying attention... and I was just done. I had ended up there after reading a rant by my favorite ex-trekker, Wil Wheaton, at Cult of the One Eyed Cat. (Have I mentioned that I'm obsessed with Wil Wheaton? I'll get to that post one of these days.)

Some days aren't as busy as others and on those days I'll sometimes just float from one article to another. And on days like today, the more I get sucked in, the more agitated, frustrated, upset, angry... I become, until I just have to stop. I'm aware that I'm definitely erring on the liberal side of the "media" bias when I read online, but there's enough information backed up by references to more traditional sources, that you can't dismiss it to people just being pissy. Not to mention that when I read the occasional "conservative" article, I'll have those same feelings for completely different reasons. Today is was:

I think Halley has the right idea, although the furniture won't be as nice, and we probably cater to a different palate here (you'll see what I mean if you follow her links). I'd prefer this blog to be a happier place, showing off cool things that I've noticed and I want to share with people.

Besides, other people can do a much better job writing about the more serious topics than I ever could. Of course, all this bottled up frustration is what really got me writing in the first place. So I could quote and link like crazy (like I just did) ...but it doesn't make it all better.

Just promise me you'll check out all the links above and the "think" sites over on the side there and I'll try to dwell on happier things.

It'll probably do us all some good.

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