Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New and Old

New and Old
Originally uploaded by tallasiandude.

New glasses.

I took a bunch of self-portraits to try and catch my new "hip" look, but the whole exercise kind of left me kind of down 'cause I could see the old. (this is actually one of the more benign ones.) It's creeping in from the edges. Trying to sneak up on me. But I can see it. I can see it in my face. I can see where it's going.

I look old. Or I feel like I look old. (And tired, too. Old and tired.) And paradoxically, I feel old, and yet I feel like I look older than I feel. Parse that one.

Anyway, it's all kind of a drag. This was actually going to be my photo for the day, but in the end I discovered that I liked how one of the other photos looked. Admittedly, because to some extent, I didn't like seeing the aging in myself.

And, of course, I should be working right now (not to mention doing a little drawing), so perhaps I'll just leave it at that.

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