Thursday, November 17, 2005

AEM Day 16 - face/hand, eye:hand

Originally uploaded by tallasiandude.

I originally saw this thing called eye:hand on Drawn! and thought I'd give it a shot. Of course, Kathryn (without even knowing it) already beat me to the punch as far as AEM is concerned. And I still need to either submit it to the moderator or post it to the group. But that's really secondary, I think.

It's interesting how much an expression changes with just a slight inflection (or dot) around the eyes. The photo which is... hmmm, maybe pensive, with perhaps a little frustration... seems to have translated into shock in the final rendering. (Or maybe something like "I'm gonna be sick!") And during the process of sketching it out, it would shift from surprise, to outrage, to confused, with just the slightest little change.

In some ways this is a blast from the past, in that the first illustrations (of a very few) I did in college were all-stipple, all-the-time. And I wonder why I kept breaking pens...

Ugh. After 1AM again. Why do I keep doing this to myself?


Anonymous said...

When I did my eye:hand drawing, I was amazed at the "so close yet so far" rendering I created. I like the rendering of your hand. And the use of stipple. I need to try that! I think I've done one drawing, ever, using stipple.

That photo of you is so full of energy and atmosphere. You are a Very Handsome Man. It's good to see "who" you are!

tallasiandude said...


I was actually a little hesitant to post this, but mostly because I've been trying to keep at least a modicum of anonymity (despite loving to see images of other people) at this site. In the end, art trumped... what, fear? Shyness? Protectiveness? Maybe a little of each.

If you want to try stippling, I'd say, go for it! I did it initially because I had no confidence in my line, and with stippling, you can always just tweak, adjust, blend with more dots. Of course the downside is that it's sometimes hard to figure out when to stop... but maybe that's just me.

Anonymous said...

good work tad!...see i can use acronyms too! i've wanted to use that one for awhile. :-)

i too like stippling, haven't used it in awhile. and no, you're not the only one who sometimes doesn't know when to stop.

Caroline said...

Great idea... and a really good posting too .... maybe my next picture or one after that...

I don't stipple much, maybe I'll try that too...

Thanks for all the ideas!

tallasiandude said...

Oh. Man. A playdough eye:hand submission would be TOTALLY AWESOME!

The stuff on eye:hand that I find the most interesting are actually the ones that are more interpretations of the photos rather that perfect duplicates. I've actually thought of doing another one where I play with different parts of the image, but we'll see if I have time for that.